Wed 5th February
The antipode of London lies off the south coast of New Zealand — the furthest one can go without falling off the planet — 26 hours of flying.
Fri 7th
Zealous customs officers at Christchurch Airport seize three freeze-dried meals — chicken and pork are not welcome.

Sat 8th
We pick up the hire car and drive north to Lewis Pass. The good news is driving on the left side of the road. The bad news is the indicator stick on the right of the steering wheel and the windscreen wipers on the left. Hayley enjoys counting the number of times I turn on the wipers.

I can’t resist pulling over every few miles and hopping out to take in the wonderful landscape. Climbing down to the Waiau River, a long-haired man covered in tattoos emerges from the fast-flowing water. An old camper van sits in the trees. His partner and young daughter pick raspberries. The girl dances and laughs, long blond hair swirling, face smeared with red juice — joy in the wild.

Sun 9th
A cloudy morning, but the drive north east to Nelson Lakes is beautiful.

Mon 10th
There are too many interesting places to visit on the North Coast. The Grove Scenic Reserve is a magical labyrinth of rocks and trees.

Waikoropupu Springs are gorgeous.

Collingwood ends the first part of our road trip.

Our motel by the sea is perfect, enjoying a cool breeze off the sea and the most stunning sunset — a good omen for The Heaphy Track tomorrow.

Sat 15th
Back on the road after a great four-day hike, it’s a leisurely drive down the West Coast in glorious weather.

The roads are so quiet, running straight to the horizon, with the occasional swamp harrier circling above or feeding on roadkill.

Pancake Rocks is our first busy tourist spot, and we watch Hector’s dolphins, the smallest dolphin species.

Mon 17th
The Cardrona Hotel is our luxury stop, enjoying the fine restaurant and one of the prettiest beer gardens.

Tue 18th
Our final day on the road, driving south to Queenstown and preparing for The Routeburn Track tomorrow.

Sat 22nd
Back in Queenstown after another superb hike, this is our final day together. It seems appropriate to rewatch The Fellowship of the Ring.
Sun 23rd
A little sad to be leaving Hayley behind after a fun two weeks together, my first flight is to Melbourne. There’s a transfer window of 1 hour and 40 minutes before my long haul flight to Doha. The flight is an hour late when we land, leaving a tight 40 minutes. The stewardess has moved me to a seat closer to the front door to help speed up my exit, but I’m still 25 rows back and planes take a long time to empty.
Would you believe it. The connector bridge is faulty, so we are asked to sit down until an engineer arrives. There’s 20 minutes left when the door is finally opened. I apologise to the people filling the crowded aisle, explaining my situation, and everyone kindly steps aside to let me dash down the plane.
The stewardess tells me it’s 10 minutes to the transfer security gate. I sprint down the deserted corridors, my shoelace coming undone. Gasping for breath, I rest to tie it. Up a couple of flights of stairs, I reach the security desk with 15 minutes remaining. The officer asks if I’m ok, leaning on the conveyor belt to catch my breath — I don’t do sprinting. I throw my carry-on pack down to pass through the X-ray machine, only to be called back as I’ve left my bottle inside with some water. That has to be emptied. Tick tick.
Finally waved through, I scan the departure board for the gate for the flight to Doha. The security guard says it’s not far. Dashing up the stairs, over the tannoy:
“Last call for Mr Urwin.”
The departure gate lies at the end of the corridor and I dash down and through, making the plane before the door closes for take-off. My heart is still hammering as I slump into my seat. Maybe Avanti rail travel is not so stressful after all.
Mon 24th
It’s 6 am, landing at Gatwick, rain lashing against the windows. I’m definitely home.
Is there anything more sad than being the last person standing by an empty carousel at baggage reclaim? As feared, my luggage could not keep up with my sprinting between aeroplanes and is waiting in Melbourne. I guess it never wanted to leave wonderful New Zealand.
New Zealand Trip: Wednesday 5 to Monday 24 February 2025.
You said it Tony – “wonderful New Zealand”. This set of pics really does confirm its beauty. It makes me ache to return.
I’m sure Judy could be tempted. 😉
Goodness! I was holding my breath willing you to make the plane 🤪Would love to go to New Zealand 😄- my sister lives in Oz so maybe one day…just got to finish my trek first.
I’m normally chilled about transport delays but that was a stressful experience. Not good for the heart! 😂
Yes New Zealand does look amazing. I would love to go there. One day, hopefully…
It looks like the coastline of Europe will keep you busy for a while. 😀
Great summary, and yes we have been the last people at an empty carousel before – and the last people on the plane too.
A badge of honour for the seasoned traveller then. 😉
You must have been sorry to leave New Zealand and leave Hayley. I hope your luggage arrived safely.
I can imagine your airport dash only too well as I had a similar experience a few weeks ago. Due to trains being cancelled I had a stressful 2 hours trying to reach the airport knowing that it was very unlikely I’d make my flight. It culminated in a dash like yours, running to the terminal building, having to stop for breath and reaching the check in desk one minute before it closed. Even when I was on the plane I just could believe I’d actually made it.
I’m glad you made it! The cases arrived two days later as promised. On reflection, it was better than having to carry them both home from the airport. 😀
Great sunset picture. We visited Ulva island whilst over there and it was probably the closest I could get on land to literally the other side of the world, about 200 miles. And it’s a long way home!
Thanks, Jim. Hayley recently sent me pictures of a night visit to watch blue penguins returning to their burrows. I may have to arrange a second visit!
This is my nightmare. I hate transfers. It’s a sad thing to be leaving NZ but I’m delighted the Cardrona is still going strong!
We enjoyed a very lazy day at the Cardrona, finishing with a delicious meal and glass of pinot noir. 😋
Hi Tony…glad you enjoyed you visit to our remote land…you were in some of the best bits of it…come back some day.
Thanks, Owen. I certainly hope to.