Day 72: Porlock to Minehead

My final day on the SWCP. It’s a short walk to Minehead, so a perfect morning to explore Porlock Mash, gorgeous in the early morning light.

Nature has arranged the perfect ending.

I reach Minehead early afternoon, with the obligatory pose by the SWCP start/end marker.

Looks like I’ve chosen a bad day to celebrate the end of the path. It’s Halloween adults weekend at Butlins, and the town is heaving with large groups of blokes consuming as much beer as possible. I give up on the pubs, with shaven headed bouncers guarding the doors, and nip into Cafe Bar 21. The barman and I laugh at my perfect timing, as the Proclaimers’ “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” stomps out from the speakers.

Relaxing over a beer, it feels like a long time since I set out from Poole. An amazing coastline; 630 miles of awe and enchantment. The most magical moment was walking barefoot across the River Erme as the sun rose. It’s given me a hunger for the wild places to come.

Walk distance: 8 miles.

Total distance: 1,013 miles.

8 thoughts on “Day 72: Porlock to Minehead”

  1. Gosh, Butlins has changed since we were there in the sixties! Didn’t know they had such weekends – and NO I won’t be going.

  2. Well done Tony for completing the SWCP. You should have a good run up to Weston, where it paths become a bit sketchy onto Clevedon. You should be seeing Wales by now?

    1. Thanks Alan. Yes, I was looking out at the sea from the bottom of a valley, and there was Wales for the first time. I like the way more and more detail is revealed as you head up the coast.

  3. Well done Tony, what a lovely day and weather to finish although I imagine given what was going on getting out of Minehead would be a priority!

    The South West Coast path is a wonderful path and a real favourite of mine and in fact got me into coast walking in the first place. You might find the stretch up to Wales a bit of a drag, but at least once in Wales you will have the Wales Coast Path to follow.

    1. Thanks Jon. I am not camping now until I reach some more open spaces in Wales, so looking forward to the luxury of a roof over my head each night, and a lighter pack, to cover a few more miles.

  4. Good luck, photos look amazing,
    I’m doing a 1000 mile challenge over 12 months if not sooner,
    Always looking for new paths if you fancy some company on a day let me know,
    I’m in Dorset Friday for a coastal hike 👍

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